
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Follow-up and Request for Suggestions

Following up on my last post:

It's been a little over a week since the medication cut was made and the pain is pretty much gone. The aches are still there but no longer constant and continue to ease.

Bloodsugar is still much higher than it should be, but it has not gone up since the drastic cut in the level of my meds.

Sleep is still an issue. Well, not sleep so much as getting out of bed in the morning after I finally do get to sleep. {Usually around 2:00AM, later on the weekends.}


Now I just need to start doing things again. Of course being able to sleep so I can get up in the morning would help with that.

I have plans for this weekend and we'll see how they go. Then I guess I need to figure out other things to do for the next few weeks, months, ...

On that note:

I'm near Boston, although probably closer to Providence RI than Boston, and am open to suggestions for seasonally appropriate things to do.

In fact... let me codify that a bit.

I was talking to a friend of mine last night and they were talking about taking a series of day trips just to get out and see/do things. I think this sounds like a really good, and fun, thing. We may do some together, but I'm sure there will be plenty of individual things as well.

I'm not sure that I'm up for long drives again yet, but within a couple of hours of here is do-able.

So what I am looking for, if anyone is interested, is suggestions for things to do, things to see, places to go, that are within a 2 hour drive of the Boston-Providence area. Day trips preferred.

Any reasonable suggestions will be taken, and I will post at least one picture.

Reasonable suggestions that are not seasonal/weather appropriate will be held until an appropriate time. Things further away will also wait until I am up to making those longer trips again.

There are a couple of trips I'd like to take, to see people I haven't seen in too long, which are about 6 hours away, and at least one other that is more like 14 hours away. Those trips will have to wait a bit longer.

So... Any suggestions?

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