
Thursday, November 13, 2003

Working on Journal Template

This entry is about the technical side. I am posting it here because the issues affect the appearance, and possibly the readability, of this site.

I have been working on the template and style sheet I use for this journal, adjusting the layout of the page and individual entries. I think the changes are an improvement, but there is an issue that I still have to fix.

Sometimes, especially when viewing comments, the page layout breaks. This is because of the HTML inserted by the third-party code I am using to drive the comments. I am working on modifying the third-party code so that it inserts HTML which works better in my situation, but this work is not done yet. Please be patient.

If it happens while you are reading the journal you can hit the refresh button. This should clear up the problem.

Aren't you glad to know that I am actually working on this again?

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