
Monday, April 28, 2003

House, Sweet House

I need to figure out when I am going to be moving. Yes, I said when, not if.

The other day, while registering some things, I got to the part of the questionnaire which asked "Which of the following do you plan for the next year?" While I was going through I realized that I had checked the box for moving to a new residence, and that I meant it. I just don't know how far down the road it is, figuratively or physically.

While I don't necessarily want to move just yet, the advantages of living where I am are quickly being out-weighed by the negatives. I am not going to list out the negatives here. At least I don't plan on listing them, but who knows what time will bring. So the question becomes, when do I leave? Do I leave sooner when I am less able to afford it monetarily? Or do I leave later when the other costs of staying start to add up?

And once that has been answered, the next question is "Where do I move to?" The two main options I see at the moment are that I either get another small apartment in the area I lived a couple of years ago, or I move home.

I don't think a move is in my short term plans. Looking a month or so out. However, a small move could very well be in the works for three to four months out. That would depend on what kind of lease I can get, as well as what kind of answers I can come up with for those two big questions of When and Where.

Thinking about it a further, I guess I don't have to answer the When question first. I need to answer When and Where at the same time. Both for the short and long terms.


The saying "Home is where the heart is" just came into my mind. Well, if this is true then I have several homes. If only one of them was where I lived.

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